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Q: What was the name of the program that the US used to help the Allies against the Germans before entering the war?
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The USSR was with the Allies - they were against the Germans

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It gave the allies a foothold in Europe in order to defeat the Germans....

Why was d-day an important event in the allies fight against Germany?

It gave the allies a foothold in Europe in order to defeat the Germans....

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They were against the Germans and their allies called the Triple Alliance. US was with the British and their allies-Triple Entente

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They were allies against the Germans.

Who was the good guys on D-Day?

The Allies (Americans, Brits, etc.) were the ones against the Axis (Germans)

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Only the Germans fought the Allies on D-Day, other Axis powers were not involved.

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The war was started by the Austrian-Hungarians and since they were allies with the Germans, the Germans came in. Since the Turkish were allies with the Germans they also joined along with Bulgaria. In the end most people blame it on the Germans because they were the most powerrful, and spent the most money and time on it(It was basically Germany against Russia France and England).

Why did the allies flank the Germans in d-day?

The Allies flanked the Germans because it made tactical sense to do so.

How long did America wait to join the Allies during World War 2?

well, it depends on what you think of as "the allies" so the answer is yes because wichever side they joined could be "the allies". but i do know that they went against the Germans like most others so if you percieve the Germans as allies the answer is NO.

Fighting the germans on the italian peninsula?

The Nazists took over Italy in WWI. The allies and the Italian partisans fought against them and pushed them out.