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Chivalry was the code.

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Q: What was the name of the code of honor knights swore to uphold?
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What was the code of honor knights swore to their king?


What every knight swore to his king?

Knights swore an oath of fealty to serve and protect their king, to uphold the code of chivalry, to defend the realm, and to be loyal and honorable in all their actions.

As the warriors of feudal Japan are known for their code of honour the Knights of medieval England were known for what?

The Knights of medieval England were known for their code of chivalry. This code emphasized bravery, loyalty, and courtesy in battle and in everyday life. Knights were expected to protect the weak, uphold justice, and serve their lord with honor.

What every knight swore to the king?

Knights swore to protect their said lord with their life, to drive the evil-ones from the land and to fall in war with honor and courage in their hearts; I'm not really sure -what- the real swearing the Knights gave to their Kings.

What was the code of ethics a knight was supposed to upheld?

The code of ethics that a knight was supposed to uphold was known as chivalry. It included virtues such as courage, honor, loyalty, and humility. Knights were expected to protect the weak, defend their kingdoms, and uphold justice.

What was the code of ethics that knights were supposed to uphold?

Knights were expected to uphold the code of chivalry, which included virtues such as courage, loyalty, honesty, and courtesy. They were also expected to protect the weak and defend their lord and the Church.

The code of conduct developed by fuedal nobles?

Feudal nobles followed a code of conduct known as chivalry. This code emphasized virtues such as loyalty, honor, bravery, and courtesy. Knights were expected to uphold these ideals in their interactions with others.

What was the name of the code the European knights follow?

The European knights followed the Code of Chivalry, which was a moral and honor code.

What is the name of the knights code of honor?


What were the ideals and morals of knights?

Knights were expected to uphold ideals of chivalry, which included qualities like bravery, loyalty, and honor. They were also expected to protect the weak and defend their lord and kingdom. Additionally, knights were expected to follow a strict code of conduct that emphasized humility, courtesy, and generosity.

What are the life ideals and morals of a knight?

Knights typically uphold virtues such as courage, loyalty, honor, and chivalry. They are expected to be brave in battle, loyal to their lord, protect the weak, and follow a strict code of conduct that emphasizes courtesy and respect towards others. Knights also strive to be just, charitable, and uphold principles of fairness and righteousness in their actions.

How did the concept of chivalry affect knights?

The concept of chivalry influenced knights by promoting ideals of honor, courage, and loyalty. Knights were expected to uphold a code of conduct that emphasized protecting the weak, fighting for justice, and serving their lord with dedication. Chivalry played a significant role in shaping the behavior and ethos of knights during the medieval period.