The name of the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima was "Little Boy".
the US used the atomic bomb on the Japanese to end the world war 2.. US dropped 2 bombs on japan one on hiroshima and one on nagasaaki,,then japan surrendered..the name of the project was the Manhattan project and the name of the plane that dropped the bomb is Enola gay.... the president of the US (Henry Truman) was the one who acepted to drop the atomic bomb!!!
'Little Boy' was the code name for the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima during World War II. This is the first atomic bomb that was ever utilized as a weapon.
The Enola Gay dropped the first atomic bomb, on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.The bomber named Bockscar dropped the second bomb, on Nagasaki on August 9. Both aircraft were B-29 bombers that operated from a special unit; the 509th Composite Bomb Group, flying from Tinian Island in the Marianas.
I want to know the answer for my school general knowledge quiz Answer: The Enola Gay was a B-29 that dropped the bomb in 1945. The B-52 made it first flight in 1952 and went into service in 1955, 10 years after WWII.
That was a nuclear bomb and not an automatic bomb. It was dropped on August 9,1945.
'Bockscar' .
An atomic bomb called Fat Man, developed in the Manhattan Project, WAS dropped onto the city of Hiroshima on 8/9/1945.
Nagasaki .
It was called Little Boy.
the name of the FIRST atomic bomb, dropped on Hiroshima
name of the SECOND atomic bomb, dropped on Nagasaki
Little Boy. And I'm so glad we dropped it on you.
The name of the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima was "Little Boy".
There were two, the Enola gay and the Bockscar.