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The military goal of the US in the Pacific during World War 2 was Japanese surrender.

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Q: What was the military goal of the US in the Pacific during World War 2?
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What was the us military goal in the pacific?

The goal of the United States was to defeat the Japanese. This meant the removal of the Japanese from many islands in the Pacific Ocean, the destruction of the Japanese Navy, and the surrender of Japan.

What were some major campaigns during World War 2?

For the US everything besides Europe and the Pacific was a sideshow, the defeat of Germany and Japan was the goal.

What was the allied goal in the Pacific?

The Allied goal in the Pacific was to obtain the unconditional surrender of Japan.

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To find the New World. ================= No. The "New World" had already been "discovered." Jacques Cartier's main goal was to find a passage through North America to the Pacific Ocean.

How was Japan's and German's goals in world war 2 the different?

Japan and Germany's goals during World War Two were not different. They were the same. Their military governments both had the goal of world domination and they were both engaged in wars of extermination with world domination, using infections, gas, injections, starvation and other means to exterminate people. The reason for World War Two and the goal of world dominaton was the control of these governments by their militaries and their joint military goals to control the rest of the world.

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Her original goal was to become a doctor, but she just couldn't see herself in the medical world. Then, her goal was to fly across the Atlantic Ocean, not the Pacific.

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I doubt there's a common "military goal" for all the countries in Europe.

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to bring the peace into the world? :) but EU hasn't got common military policy

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