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idk man. i'm trying to figure that out too. Someone else wanna help us?

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Q: What was the government system in France in World War 1?
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How did France become a part of world war 1?

The Germans invaded France (due to the alliance system)

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When did France move to Germany's side and why during world war 2?

They were taken over and the French government wanted a say in the war. However, it was mostly a puppet government (Germany controlled it). It was called Vichy France

How did roosevelt deal with France during world War 2?

Through negotiation with the Vichy Government.

Provisional capital of France during the German occupation in world war ii?

The provisional capital of France during the German occupation in World War 2 was Vichy. The government there is now known as the Vichy Government and is regarded as an illegitimate group of Nazi collaborators.

What was the system of government in Germany in world war 2?

Fascist dictatorship.

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How did the US government change during World War 1?

The government system shrank

What government controlled France before World War 1?

How do i know i am only a thing ask your parents

How did Roosevelt deal with France at the beginning of World War 2?

He dealt with them through negotiations with the Vichy Government! : )

System of government used by Hitler in world war 2?

A fascist dictatorship

Why were france and germany enemies?

They had conflicting interests, different allies, different forms of government and some harsh feelings after the Franco-Prussia War.