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They were on the defensive. Grant had got them pinned down, and was simply batering away at their lines till they grew too thin to hold.

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Q: What was the battle stratagies of the south in the battle of petersburg?
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What was the battle strategy of the south in the battle of Petersburg?

The south used strategies like trying to cut off the railroad. Also the trench welfare.

Did petersburg have a north or south victory in the civil war?

The siege and Battle of Petersburg ended with the decisive victory of the Union, on April 3,1865

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Battle of petersburg?

The battle of Peters burg was one of the last battles of the Civil War. Neither the North or the South won.

Why was the south involved in the battle of petersburg?

Because it was the last line of defence before Richmond, Virginia.

Who was the victor at the battle of petersburg?

ANSWER The Union army of the Potomac was the victor at the battle of Petersburg.

How many mean died in the south in 1816 in the battle of petersburg?

Um, it is men, not mean and the siege of petersburg occurded in 1865.Union= 8150 casualtiesConfederate= 3236 casualties

When did Third Battle of Petersburg happen?

Third Battle of Petersburg happened on 1865-04-02.

When did Second Battle of Petersburg happen?

Second Battle of Petersburg happened on 1864-06-15.

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First Battle of Petersburg happened on 1864-06-09.

Where did the petersburg battle take place?

The Siege of Petersburg was in Virginia

Where did the battle of petersburg take place?

The Siege of Petersburg was in Virginia