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Selective service act.

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Q: What was the act of congress that put civilians in military service during World War 1?
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Is the president permitted to use troops during times of peace?

Yes. Under present law, he can. Congress controls all military appropriations and there would not be a any peace-time military service if Congress did not vote to have it. But if there is a military service, the President commands it and can use it as he thinks best.

Is a draft a military call to civilans?

A draft is a compulsory call to civilians. The military is always reaching out to civilians to get them to join. But when there are not enough voluntary enlistments during a time of emergency such as a war, civilians of a certain age and health are forced to join or are "drafted." This first happened in the US during the Civil War.

Did civilians ever win the congressional medal of honor?

The Congressional Medal of Honor is awarded only for military service, not for civilian service. Civilians do not win it. The Congressional Gold Medal and the Presidential Medal of Freedom are the hight civilian honors given in the US. Now, it may be possible that the Congressional Medal Honor has been given by mistake a few times or to civilians who took heroic actions during a war they were officially not a part of. While most erroneous medals were revoked, it seems that a few civilians did get to keep theirs since they were in some paramilitary organization and did what would be considered heroic military service.

How many civilians were killed in World War 1?

950,248 civilians died from military actions during WW1, while 5,891,000 from things like famine and disease.

What was life like for civilians in Tokyo during World War 2?

Like their ally Germany, Japanese civilians had to endure US/allied "air raids" (aerial bombing). As for routine living; Japanese males were drafted into military service (as in Germany), and the females were sent to factories to support the war effort.

Which element of total war was illustrated by the united states dropping atomic bombs on japan during world war 2?

Military forces targeting civilians as well as soldiers .

What is the act of placing civilians under military authority known as?

The act of placing civilians under military authority is known as martial law. This typically occurs during emergencies or times of conflict to maintain order and security.

What was the role of civilians in Japan during World War 2?

Men were conscripted into military sevice. Women were to work in factories.

How was Vietnam during the war?

Vietnam was a countryside, with the US military living in it (and the enemy). Civilians had to vacate the area (we RE-LOCATED THEM).

How many Canadian died during World War 2?

Canada lost 45,400 people. All of them were military serviceman and no Canadian civilians were killed during WW2.

Who made the military draft?

Lincoln and congress first orchestrated the nation's first military draft during the US Civil War (1861-1865). Vietnam (1861-1975) was the last military draft orchestrated by Nixon and congress.

What are the sacrifices and challenges veterans faced during or after their service in the military?
