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All i know so far is
stone wall Jackson is Thomas Johnathan Jackson

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Q: What was some nicknames of generals in the civil war?
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When was Civil War Generals II created?

Civil War Generals II was created in 1997.

When did Civil War Generals II happen?

Civil War Generals II happened in 1997.

Name 5 Civil War generals?

Do you mean the Spanish Civil War or the American Civil War?

Who were some famous generals from the civil war?

stonewall Jackson and Robert e. lee

Why some generals of the Civil War were replaced?

There were several generals from the Union side that were replaced because they weren't accomplishing what Lincoln wanted.

Who were the generals on the union army in the civil war?

Notably , U.S. Grant ~ look to the related link below for a list of generals in the Civil War .

Who were Jackson and Johnston during the Civil War?

they were two generals during the civil war

What were the generals name of the south during the civil war?

He was William Tecumseh Sherman.Answer:There were numerous generals in both the Northern and Southern armies during the American Civil War (See Link). As the North eventually carried the war to the South there could even be said to be Northern generals in the South at some periods.

Who are some generals in the civil war?

Robert E. Lee, Joseph Johnston, and Ulyss Grant

Who were the generals of the north in the civil war?

Grant and Sherman

Did the Generals in the Civil War have their own tents?


What did the generals do in the American Civil War?

Command divisions