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Disease. Many Diseases common in Europe did not yet exist in the new world and the Incas had no bodily defense against them.

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Q: What was one of the strongest weapons that Europeans used against the Incas was?
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What weapons did Francisco Pizarro use against the Incas?

Probably a gun or a sword

How were the Incans conquered?

Fransisco Pizarro had superior weapons, and the Incas had no immunity against diseases

How were the europeans able to conquer the Aztecs and Incas?

They were more advanced and had better weapons. The Europeans also unknowingly brought diseases to the native people, greatly weakening their civilizations and armies.

What kind of weapons did the Incas use?

wat king of weapens did incas used

Weapons used by ancient incas?

Some weapons that the ancient Incas used were slings and spears. They also used axes and bows and arrows.

What did the Aztecs and incas have no resistance to?

weapons and horses

What Animal was a native to the Incas that Europeans had never seen?

The animal that was native to the Incas and had never been seen by Europeans before was the llama. Llamas were domesticated by the Incas for their wool, meat, and ability to carry heavy loads at high altitudes.

How did the Aztecs and the Incas lose against the europeans?

As far as the incas they lost due to three reasons. 1. Fransisco Pizaro brought horses with him. The Incas had never seen horses and feared them 2. Pizaro's army had guns. The best the Incas had were spears and bows 3. The army brought diseases with them that the Incas had never experience and were especially prone to. Hope I helped This is my first post

Who were the western explorers who had early contact with the incas?

Europeans & Spanish explorers.

Did Aztecs and the Incas lose the explorers because deices and advanced weapons?


What was the main reason conquest over the incas occurred?

Superior weapons

The Incas discovered rubber?

no tylor stephenson did Rubber was in use in Central America before Europeans went there. I don't know if it was the Incas who first used it.