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England could have easily been invaded by the Germans if Hitler had decided to invade England. He chose to invade Russia instead.

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Q: What was important about England during World War 2?
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Who was the Prime Minister of England from 1940-1945 and was an important figure during World War 2?

Winston Churchill .

Who was important during World War 1?

The Women were very important during World War one.

Who was the dictator of England during world war 2?

England didn't have a dictator.

Who is side was England on during World War 2?

the allies

How many casualties did England have during World War 2?

During World War 2 the total casualty lost by the British were about 455,000.

How was churchill involved in World War 2?

He was the Prime Minister of England during the war .

Who are England's axis?

England's axis' during World War II were Germany, Italy and Japan.

Who were the leader of England during world war 2?

Winston churchill

During World War 2 who was the head of England?

Winston churchill

What is the major event in England during war world 1?

The Holocaust

Who is the prime minister of England during the world war?

Winston Churchill

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