Divide and Conquer
There was no actual breakaway (as there was in Virginia). But guerrilla warfare went on throughout the state until the end. A Confederate government in Missouri was briefly set up by General Braxton Bragg, but it collapsed as soon as he retreated South.
He failed to crush the Yankees at Gettysburg and Antietam during his northern campaign. He lost too many men and couldn't replenish his numbers. But the north had the luxury of finding more men. The South had limited numbers to begin with. He retreated after Gettysburg
Total war was General Sherman's strategy. He was to use total war to destroy the resources of the south. I am also a civil war expert so you can trust my answer.
the naval blockade of the South
The South retreated.
Divide and Conquer
The proposal of General Winfried Scott was called the Anaconda plan. His proposal was to blockade Southern ports on the Atlantic Ocean side and in the Gulf of Mexico. Tied to this would be the movement of 60,000 troops down the Mississippi River. It also called for establishing bases of operation in various parts of the South's coastline. This as a final grand strategy was never exactly adhered to, however at the time, it seemed like a reasonable strategy.
retreating to the south
The British southern strategy ultimately failed for several reasons. For example, General Henry Clinton upset many people in the south who might have been loyal to the crown.
There was no actual breakaway (as there was in Virginia). But guerrilla warfare went on throughout the state until the end. A Confederate government in Missouri was briefly set up by General Braxton Bragg, but it collapsed as soon as he retreated South.
Yes, the South, though exhausted from the fighting retreated in good order. Mead was unable to provide a vigorous pursuit.
Lee retreated to Virginia and began planning his defense.
He planned a war of attrition-that is, to continue fighting until the south ran out of men supplies, and the will to fight
Might you be referring to Erwin Rommel in North Africa in 1942 in the third and final battle of El Alamein, 60 miles south of Alexandria? The British General who defeated Rommel was General Montgomery.
The south tried to fight a defensive strategy for most of the war (due to the fact that they were succeeding and Lincoln knew he had to use force to get the south back on to the union again). But general Lee thought if he could make it to D.C. he could make Lincoln sue for peace. Lee drove an army through the northern states until the faithful battle of Gettysburg which had tremendous southern casualties which caused Lee to retreat to the south. Lincoln knew lee was weak so he ordered the union army to send the army on a full frontal assault on the south. Which caused Lee to fight defensive strategy like he did in the begging of the war.
Greene was driven from the field, but the British retreated to South Carolina.