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Q: What two nations joined central powers?
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What are two countries that belonged to the central powers?

In World War I, the Central Powers were Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman empire. They were joined by Bulgaria in 1915. Italy refused to go to war despite the Triple Alliance, and later joined the Allies (the Entente Powers led by Great Britain, France, and Russia).

What two allied countries that felt threaten by the nations known as central powers?

Austria-Hungary and Germany

What were the two major powers in ww1?

There were two opposed alliances - the central powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey versus the Entente, which originally comprised Great Britain, France and Russia, joined later by Italy and the USA.

List the alied froces who was fighting who?

During World War I, the two sides of the conflict were the Triple Alliance (often called the Triple Entente) and the Central Powers. The former consisted of Great Britain, France, and Imperial Russia, but many other smaller and some major nations later joined them, including the United States and Italy. The Central Powers consisted of Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria.

What were the two powers of World War 1?

The Allied Powers and the Central Powers.

Who were the two major opposing groups and their components nations during World War 1?

The Allies vs the Central Powers (Germany, Austria, and the Ottoman Empire).

Who was part of the central powers?

Germany and Austria-Hungary were the main two chunks of the Central Powers. -Sakura K.

Why were Germany and austria Hungary called the central powers?

The name for the Central Powers (also known as the Triple Alliance) is derived from the location of these countries; all four were located between the Russian Empire (in the east) and France and the United Kingdom (in the west).

Name two countries recently joined united nations?

South Sudan

The pact of Steel joined which two powers after World War 1?

Germany & Italy

Who were the two opposing forces in WW1?

The Central and Entente powers.

What name was given to the nations that fought against the central powers?

They were called the Allies: The two opposing groups that fought in World War I were the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey) and the Allies, an alliance that grew from the three members of the Triple Entente (Britain and the British Empire, France, and Russia) to incorporate 27 Allied and Associated powers, including Italy and, towards the end of the war, the USA.