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Thecollapsed of the Soviet Union triggered the Cold War

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14y ago

The south attacking the northern fort, Fort Sumpter.

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Q: What triggered the cold war?
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What was one event that triggered the end of the cold war?

The Berlin Wall coming down in 1989, but in reality we are in a second Cold War today.

Why did sputnik humiliate the US?

Sputnik didn't humiliate the US; it triggered the space race and heightened Cold War tensions.

What common factor triggered the hot wars in Asia during the cold war?

The Korean War is the primary example of how the Cold War turned hot in Asia. The South Koreans were aided by the United States, while the North Koreans were aided by the Soviet Union.

What were the immediate activities that may have triggered the Korean war?

North Korea's invasion into South Korea triggered the war.

Whose assassination triggered ww1?

The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria triggered the start of the Great War (World War I)

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Mexico's wish for Independence triggered by the Grito de Dolores.

How did Mikhail Gorbachev policy of glasnost contribute to the end of the cold war?

Answer this question… It led to protests within Soviet republics and political instability that triggered the Soviet Union's eventual breakup.

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The incident that triggered the beginning of World War 1 was the assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne.

What were first actions of Japan in the Pacific War?

To bomb Pearl Harbor. This triggered the War.

What world war was triggered by the assassination of archduke Francis Ferdinand?

it was the 2nd world war

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the great depression triggered WWI