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Q: What strategy was intended to broaden America's range of options during international crises by strengthening and modernizing the military's ability to fight a nonnuclear war?
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What are the Three stages of the development of the cold war?

There may not be any stages at all. Cold War means=Military Stand-off. A military stand-off means two militarys that are not fighting each other...but are waiting for an excuse to commence battle with each other; just as soon as someone gives the word! The term Cold War never existed until the end of WW2. Which is just perfect, because the reason for the cold war never existed until WW2 either! The reason the cold war existed is because of Atomic Weapons.

What is the militarys interest rate on loans?

If you are looking for a loan and you are in the military you should check out Omni Financial. I am not sure what the loan rate is now because they change, but I know they are very good rates.Answer:There are many options available for military personal. one option is to get payday loan.Although its hard to get payday loan for a military personal. Better way to get best quote and lower interest rate is a good search. You can find best rate from many online companies that provide personal loans to military veterans.A best way to find such companies and lower interest rate is internet search engine. Just put your query, there you find a long list..

What were the new technologies of the cold war?

The cold war was a "military stand-off", NOT a shooting war. It was equivalent to two frontier gunfighters facing each other in the street...but neither one reaching for his gun...just staring at each other, waiting for the next move. In 1990 (actually in 1989 when the Berlin Wall came down) one of the gunfighters turned his back to his opponent, and walked away...ending the stand-off (the Soviet Union collapsed). The technology used during the cold war; was part of an ARMS RACE. The only time those new "Arms Race" weapons were used in combat was during the Korean and Vietnam Wars (Example: F-86 Sabre Jets in Korea & F-100 Supersabres in Vietnam).

What are the strongest to weakest militarys?

1. United States of America 2.China 3.Russia 4.India 5.United Kingdom 6.France 7.Germany 8.Brazil 9.Japan 10.Turkey 11.Israel 12. South Korea 13. Italy 14.Indonesia 15.Pakistan 16.Taiwan 17.Egypt 18.Iran 19.Mexico 20.North Korea 21.Sweeden 22.Greece 23.Canada 24.Saudi Arabia 25.Ukraine 26.Australia 27.Spain 28.Thailand 29.Denmark 30.Poland 31.Philippines 32.South Africa 33.Argentina 34.Syria 35.Norway 36.Georgia 37.Iraq 38.Venezuela 39.Libya 40.Afghanistan 41.Nepal 42.Lebanon The order may vary by the date. The date this was made was December 24,2009. Renew by March of 2010.

How has IT affected the military?

Incredibly, computers and cyber technology has revolutionised the world we live in today especially the armys of the modern world. In fact truth be told militarys today have more sophisticated technology than that of the civilian population of the nations public. So much so that for some countries you may say that they are several years ahead in technology most of which is secret. An example of brilliant IT in the military is camera technology as in for example the AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopter has the camera capability to see up to distances of two miles and identify the difference between a TV remote from a Sky TV remote. They are around the same size and shape but very slight differen features and the incredible technology in the helicopters systems enables it to also tell the temperature of the remote even at such distance. Moving on to a different form of technology i shall discuss the Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank it has the capabilities to fire its ammunition at distances exceeding most other tanks capabilties and hit within an accuracy of a single metre. It can only do this because of the extremely sophisticated systems within its main turret and its very complicated computers make it simple for the operators to understand for the worst of situations and can work in the worst of conditions. The technology the army has in the modern world will bewilder you if you could see it all compared to what you may have at home. And dont forget the secret super techy things that you wont know about for another 15 years, it really make you wonder.

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Is the siliver star the militarys 3rd highest award?

Yes, it is. The highest is the Congressional Medal of Honor, followed by the Cross of Gallantry and then the Silver Star.

How did guerrilla colonial fighters help the contiental army?

Allowed the army to grow without being destroyed outright. (Weak militarys revert to guerrilla warfare; until they're strong enough to fight conventionally).

What was the main gun used by the US military in World War 2?

The basic issue weapon was the M-1 Garand. A 30 cal. semi-automatic weapon that held 8 rounds fed by an internal clip. Most other militarys carried a bolt action rifle that held about 5 rounds.

Do Buddhists have militarys?

Buddhists are not a country or a nation. As a consequence they have no more military organization than the Southern Baptist Church or the Wiccans. As to whether Buddhists serve in the military, this is an individual choice in countries which do not have compulsory service (draft). The American military has a gravestone marker symbol for Buddhists so it must anticipate that some are serving in its military.

What are the top 10 best militarys?

It is difficult to say but the first three are basically the United States Israel China the rest are difficult but they go something like this U.K. Russia North Korea and the last three are basically undiffined __________________________________________________________ -Matt The Nerd In my opinion, Russia and U.S.A. are tied for first, then China U.K. India France Israel

What is the impact of technology on military strategy and military strategy on technological development and innvation?

The impact of technology on military strategy is that through technology the militarys power is made stronger. They are more able to accomplish their purpose and reason for gaining control. Military strategy on technology is pushing new and improved inventions to take place to benefit the military with the desire to innovate and also dominate.

What had Clinton done in 1969 that shaped the militarys opinion ofhis ability to be a good Commander in Chief?

The controversy arises from Bill Clinton's seeking of draft deferment from the Vietnam War for political and conscientious objector reasons. Specifically, this arose out of a letter written to his ROTC officer, Colonel Eugene Holmes, thanking him for draft deferral. It also contained veiled criticism towards the American military.

What are all the types of army and other people there can be?

An army is an army there's no types but if what you mean by this is what types of military are there that's different militarys usually consist of a /ARMY-which is a land force/ the NAVY which is a sea force/ an AIR FORCE which controls air to air or air to land combat/ then there's the MARINE CORPS who operates on sea air and land/ and the COAST GUARD which protects the boarders of a country and rarely see combat

What are the Three stages of the development of the cold war?

There may not be any stages at all. Cold War means=Military Stand-off. A military stand-off means two militarys that are not fighting each other...but are waiting for an excuse to commence battle with each other; just as soon as someone gives the word! The term Cold War never existed until the end of WW2. Which is just perfect, because the reason for the cold war never existed until WW2 either! The reason the cold war existed is because of Atomic Weapons.