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Henriette Pagac

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Q: What sonar device let Morse code message be sent underwater from a submarine in 1915?
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What sonar deviece let Morse code messages be sent underwater from submarine in 1915?

Fessenden oscillator

What communatication device did Samuel Morse invent?

He invented Morse code and the device called a Keyer to send the code.

What do a Morse code a submarine and a light bulb have in common?

Well I'm just guessing but would would use Morse code to communicate with a submarine and Morse code was a great idea like in movies when somebody has a good idea a light bulb comes on above there head.

What is the definition of telegram?

Telegram is a message sent over wires, usually in Morse code. A very common device before international phone lines existed.

What is the proper adjective of Morse code?

The proper adjective of Morse code is "Morse." For example, you would say "Morse code message" or "Morse code transcription."

Where did Samuel Morse send the Morse Code?

Samuel Morse sent the first Morse code message to the old Mt. Clare Depot in Baltimore.

How did a ship receive a message in 1912?

Morse CodeShips in 1912 received messages by Morse Code.

What is Samuel Morse message?

Samuel Morse is the man who made up Morse code, a code made up of series of dots and dashes.

How were messages sent via telegraph?

A message transmitted by a telegraph is called a TeleGram.

What was the first message sent by electric telegraph?

The first telegraph message sent by Samuel Morse said "What Hath God Wrought". Annie Ellsworth came up with the words.

What was the first message in Morse code?

'What hath God wrought'

What year did Henry Morse make up Morse code?

Samuel F.B. Morse, with the assistance of Alfred Vail, invented Morse Code in 1835 when, as a professor of arts and design at New York University, he proved that signals could be transmitted by wire. Originally, Morse Code was a series of written codes on a strip of paper, but in 1836, the device used to produce the written codes was modified to emboss the paper with dots and dashes, which he modestly called Morse's Code. The message sent as the first public demonstration was "What hath God wrought".