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Q: What side was in a better financial position to pay for the war?
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Which would put you in a better financial position to secure a mortgage after 6 plus years 1 Going Bankrupt and saving a 60k Deposit 2 Paying back all your debt 60k?

It would you in a better financial position if you were to pay back all of your debt.

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to get moved up in employment and or get better pay

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You should speak with your financial advisor who can review your details and offer advice that fits your financial profile.

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Depends on the position, but pays better than others in the same industry.

How does one get help to payoff debt?

If one is in a situation where they believe that they are not in a position to pay their debt in a timely (and complete) manner, the individual should seek out a not-for-profit debt counselor to help them better understand their financial position and to recommend the appropriate course of action. Some websites for reputable non-profit debt counselors are presented in the related links section.

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What is non-cumulative perference share?

non cumulative shares are those shares which do not get previouse dividends due to company's bad financial position. for example, if they were suppose to get dividend @10% last year, but could not get due to bad financial position of the company, and in the current year company gets stable and is willing to pay dividend, so it will pay only current year dividends and not last year dividends... if it was cumulative share company would pay last year and current year dividend.. conclusion: non cumulative share doesnot get previouse dividends and cumulative share gets all dividends (previouse+ current) when compnay restores its good financial position.

What is non cumulative perference share?

non cumulative shares are those shares which do not get previouse dividends due to company's bad financial position. for example, if they were suppose to get dividend @10% last year, but could not get due to bad financial position of the company, and in the current year company gets stable and is willing to pay dividend, so it will pay only current year dividends and not last year dividends... if it was cumulative share company would pay last year and current year dividend.. conclusion: non cumulative share doesnot get previouse dividends and cumulative share gets all dividends (previouse+ current) when compnay restores its good financial position.

How many times do you have to pay for financial aid?

You shouldn't have to pay at all.

How much does a car salesman make an hour?

Typically this is a commission position that does not pay hourly. They are often able to make $50k or better annually.

Do some websites pay searrch engines to list them near the top of the results pages these sponsors therefore get priority placement?

Yes this is correct. The more you pay, the better position you get in search results.