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The Union Side

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Q: What side did George meade represent in the civil war?
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What side was George G Meade on?


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Who were the two top generals for each side of the battle of Gettysburg?

For the Confederacy, Robert E. Lee For the Union, George Meade

Which side won the Gettysburg war?

The Union (North) under the newly-promoted George Meade. It was a serious loss for Lee (Confederate).

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What side was general meade on?


Which side won the battle of Gettysburg during the civil war?

The north union won the civil war, but it was close bec ause thesouth side won more battles andlost more men but they were forced to surrender because they ran out of supplies.The North won the Civil War

What side did the Monitor represent in the civil war?

The ironclad Monitor was a warship of the Union Navy.

Who is the famous general of the civil war on the side of the north?

Ulysses S. Grant George B. McLellan

Why was Union General George Gordon Meade so badly treated in the US Civil War?

Arguable, Union General George Meade won the most important battle of the US Civil War. Lee had been on the offensive side of that crucial battle. Had Meade failed to win at Gettysburg, Lee could have marched on Harrisburg Pennsylvania and handed the Union its worst loss of the war. No other battle was more important than Gettysburg, yet President Lincoln's poor treatment of him was unjustified. Blamed for not winning a second battle with the retreating Army of Northern Virginia was impossible. Lee had a strong rear guard and Washington DC's expectation that Lee's army could have been destroyed is an argument without merit.As an aside, it should be remembered that Meade was placed in charge of the Army of the Potomac only days before the actual battle at Gettysburg. Meade was not responsible for the fact that Lee's army was already in Pennsylvania when he was given command. That advance by Lee past Major General Joesph Hooker was the fault of both Hooker and the high command in Washington DC.

What side was George Armstrong Custer on in the civil war?

General Custer was a member of the U.S. Army; so I guess you could say that he was on the side of the USA (if that is a side).

What were Martha Washington major accomplishments?

She took place in the Civil War, and stayed by George Washington's side for everything.