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Initially the Americans were not used to the kind of fighting that was now taking place on the Western Front.Initially thr US GEnerals still used old fashioned tactics such as cavalry charges that had been used for 100s of years.WW1 was the 1st 'Industrial war' where weapons were made on a huge scale in factories.This meant things like machine guns could be used en mass thus mowing down 10s of thousands of men at a time.It was also the 1st 'static war':Troops from each side lived in trenches sometimes only yards apart.Strips of land were often taken by one side in a battle only for the other side to fight & win ther land back, sometimes only hours later.Stalemate was reached for at least a few years.

It also taught the USA the advantages of turning factories to war production very quickly & made USA the most powerful country in the world.

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Q: What should the US have learned from World War 1?
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