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In 1922, the signing of the 'Treaty of Rapallo' in the Italian town of Rapallo ,as a result allowed for the normalizing of diplomatic relations ,including the Soviet Union allowed Germany to use their facilities and territory to develop military hardware and train pilots from the German's so-called 'amatuer air gliding club's'.This allowed Germany to be well equiped and trained long before other country's understood what was happening .One mintue no air force ,next minute well trainned and equiped air force,just like magic ,under the very noses of the rest of the world.That help from Russia ,came back to haunt Russia later,when the German's used that hardware and trainned against them.

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Q: What secret treaty between Germany and Russia allowed Germany to prepare militarily for World War 2?
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What secret treaty between Germany and Russia allowed Germany to prepare militarily for World War 2 and why?

I do not know about the agreement between Germany and Russia, But the whole of the arms production company Krupp that made the arms for Germany during WWI and before were hiding out in their own little village in Holland. This was done so that the expertise would be passed on until it was needed again. so when arms manufacture once again resumed in Germany the children of the skilled weapons makers all spoke the language of Germany's neighbour The Netherlands supposedly a neutral country.

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