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All the carriers they could get...they got three.

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Q: What preparations did the US need for the Battle of Midway?
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What was the US' strategy for the Battle of Midway?

See website: Battle of Midway

What battles a turning point after which the US took the offensive in the pacific?

The battle of Midway.

What were the goals of the battle of midway?

Take Midway Island and engage US fleet in a decisive battle.

What were the names of the US ships at the Battle of Midway?

See website: Battle of Midway The Enterprise, Hornet, Yorktown and Lexington.

Did the US win the Battle of Midway?


Who was part of the Battle of Midway?

The Japanese and The US.

Was the Battle of Midway considered a turning point in the battle against the Nazis?

No, the Nazis were the German government, the Battle of Midway was between the US and Japan.

Was the Battle of Midway considered a turning point in the battle against Nazis?

No, the Nazis were the German government, the Battle of Midway was between the US and Japan.

What helped the US at the Battle of Midway?

It was the turning point of the war for the us for the battle of the pacific.

In 1942 the US halted Japanese advances at what battle?

the battle of midway

Reason for the Battle of Midway?

Take Midway Island & destroy US fleet at sea.

What countries were in the Battle of Midway?

US vs Japan