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After Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1991, the US developed a plan to force the Iraqi armies out of this small oil producing country. The Operation Desert Storm was a US led coalition that used US airpower, then ground troops to end the Iraqi occupation. The Iraqi's set many oil wells on fire as they retreated and some of these fires lasted for weeks and weeks. Casualties in this operation were not large and the war ended rather quickly.

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Q: What operation was designed to get Iraq out of Kuwait?
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What was the key result of operation desert storm?

Mission: Remove Iraq from Kuwait. Result: Iraq was removed.

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Objective: Remove Iraq from Kuwait. Result: Iraq was removed from Kuwait (within 60 days).

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Iraq invaded Kuwait.

What were the outcomes of operation desert storm?

Iraq was successfully ejected from Kuwait.

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There was NO compromise; Iraq was ejected from Kuwait.

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Only one; remove Iraq from Kuwait. Which was done.

The invasion of Kuwait by Iraq resulted in a conflict that became known as .?

A+ Operation Desert Storm

What did The invasion of Kuwait by Iraq resulted in a conflict that became known as?

A+ Operation Desert Storm