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Korea was split at the 38th parallel and North Korea was occupied by Russia and South Korea was occupied by the U.S.

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Q: What nation occupied Korea after World War 2?
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Nation that occupied Korea north of the 38th parallel after world war 2?

It was Japan.

ASian peninsula divided after World War 2?

Korea was divided into North and South Korea after World War 2. North Korea was occupied by the Soviet Union, while South Korea was occupied by the United States. The division led to the Korean War in 1950.

When did Korea join in on the World War 2?

It wasn't in the war. In 1937 it was occupied by Japan and remained occupied territory until 1945.

Was Korea involved in the Second World War?

What happened to the nation of Korea after World War 2?

After world War II, that finished on 1945 , in 1948 Korea was spilt into two separate nations, North Korea and South Korea

How did South Korea get its name?

Goguryeo was a ancient kingdom. This was shortened toGoryeo and this eventually became the word Korea. After World War II, the Soviets occupied the North and the US occupied the South.

What two countries occupied Korea after World War 2?

In the north, Russia. In the south, the USA.

What zone of Germany was occupied by a communist nation after World War 2?

The Eastern Zone

What nation controlled Korea before the outcast of world war 2?


Why did Korea split in world war 2?

The US controlled the southern part of Korea while the norther part was controlled by the Soviet Union. The country split on the 38th parallel and the north is communist the south is non communist.

What was like for the Japanese in Korea during World War 2?

Japan had occupied Korea and were ruthless with the Korean population.

Which nation controlled Korea befor the outset of world war 2?
