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Training - as Sparta was supported by a serf population, the Spartan men were able to devote themselves to training for war, while its opponents had to work and farm for a living and so spent only a day a month on traaining.

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Their unique Spartan training and their precision of the phalanx maneuver gained Sparta's fame in its militaristic culture.

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The people of Sparta focused mainly on having a strong army, so Sparta was concerned with having a strong military whenever they need it just in case anyone would try to overthrow them.

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what am i sopposed to answer

When can you work in Sparta?

In Sparta, you're always at work. If you are a guy, you would go to military training when you are 7. If you're a woman, you are training to fight and throw heavy discs and grow strong so that they can have strong healthy sons.

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In Sparta the most important part spartan life was developing a strong military. <3 :)

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Athens had a strong navy, while Sparta had a better army

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