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Q: What military jobs did women do in world war 1?
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Were women in the army during world war 2?

300,000 women served in World War 2 in both the military, the Red Cross, the USO, and in civilian jobs. Most of them were in the military.

What two jobs did the women do in World War 2?

Women did way more than two jobs during WWII. They did all the housework, the jobs usually held by men and also military work.

What non military jobs did African-Americans do in the US military during World War 2?

ALL jobs in the US military are military positions, be it war or peace. There are NO non-military jobs in the military

How many US women fought in world war you?

300,000 US women joined up in the military branches of the US Forces but NOT TO FIGHT in combat. They did clerical jobs, nursing, flying planes and other terrific jobs in the military then.

What role did women play in America during World War 2?

The filled the jobs men left to serve in the military

What jobs did women in the military have in World War 2?

A lot of women took jobs in factories, making planes and other war materials. Most of the jobs that were occupied by men before the war were filled by women. This was the beginning of the "revolution" of women into the workforce.

What types of jobs did women do in World War I?

in world war 1 women were nusres and they made ammunition for the men

Did women still have their jobs after World War 2?


What did African Americans and women do in World War 2?

They took many domestic jobs that were vacated as white men went to war. African Americans also joined the military.

Why were women in World War 2?

Women that were in World War 2 did not fight in the war. The women did many of the other types of jobs such as being nurses and driving vehicles.

What was the women's jobs for World War 2?

They went to work in factories and other jobs that were primary male jobs that went to war.

What effect did World War 2 have on the Great Depression or vice versa?

The Great Depression ended when the war began. The war demanded industrialization and military power so many men and women were given jobs. (Men- soldiers Women- Factories)