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Q: What methods were used to capture the Africans?
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Why did africans capture africans?

because there benders

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How did most Africans becomes slaves?

Other Africans captured and enslaved them.

Why did the Africans migrate?

the africans did not magrate they were captured in forced in slavery

What country sent sailors to capture Africans from Angola?

Sailors did not capture Africans, it was other African tribes that did this then took them to the coast as salves to be sold. The Imbangala economy was heavily focused on the slave trade.

When was the European slave trade at its highest capture of africans?

it was at it highest in 1708

Who were the first people to capture African slaves and sell them?

Other Africans.

What methods did Africans in Ghana use in fighting for independence?

I have found that most are used with acr's rpg's ak47's and cars

What are some methods used to capture slaves?

They put fried chicken under a crate and closed it on them

Who capture black middle passage?

The white Americans and the richer black africans

What was Prince Henry's reaction to the growth of the European slave trade?

He outlawed the capture of Africans ..

Why did some Africans participate in the slave trade and help the Europeans in the capture of other Africans?

Some Africans participated in the slave trade due to economic incentives, like receiving goods in exchange for slaves. They may have also been motivated by competition between different African groups and kingdoms. European incentives such as firearms and other technology also played a role in encouraging some Africans to collaborate in the capture and sale of other Africans.