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they used to line them up and shoot them through the heads mainly to get their number of collaterals up so they can bost about it to everyone. or theyd have them dig their own graves and then theyd shoot them into them. basically they always shoot them but in several brutal gory ways. eventually it became to traumatic for some of the soldiers and they started to commint suicide. so they switched to the gas chambers, that way theyd just send them in there in large groups to kill them without the soldiers not having much to do with it.

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 15y ago

Gas chambers, burning, shooting, concentration camps (where starvation was included with these), you name it.

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Q: What methods of extermination were used in the Holocaust?
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Gassed, shot or they just starved to death. Others were used as slaves.

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The Holocaust was the extermination of six million European Jews during WW2. The word "holocaust" can be found as an old translation of "burnt-offering," since that is its literal meaning: wholly burnt.

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