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Q: What man did not serve in the military during the civil war?
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Which man did not serve in the military during the Civil War?

Grover Cleveland

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Why was the Civil War called the rich man's war?

During the Civil War a rich man had numerous ways to avoid military service, and numerous opportunities to turn a profit on the war. Hence, it was the rich man's war, and the poor man's fight.

Was it ever legal for one man to serve in another man's place in the military?

Yes. The practice was allowed up to and through the American Civil War in the United States and was practiced in several other European countries including England.

What were the problems with the draft laws during the civil war?

It was the North that had the problems with the draft. An affluent young man could pay a substitute to do his service for him. This was obviously bad for morale. But it also didn't help the armies much. Simply - who were these substitutes? Obviously, men who had been too young or too old when the draft was first announced, or men who had been dodging the draft, or men who had already been rejected by the army.

How were letters sent during the civil war?

by a man on a horse

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Who was killed by his own man during the civil war?

Stonewall jackson

Why did Barack Obama not serve in the US Military?

The president was born in 1961 and he was thus too young to join the military during the conflict of his era, the Vietnam War. By the time he was old enough to serve, there were no wars going on and there was no longer a military draft.

What was a rebel during the civil war?

A rebel was a confederate so a rebel just was a southern man in the civil war,

Who freed black man who fought for civil rights during the civil war period?

John wilks booth

Did Hitler ever serve in any military organization?

Hitler was in WW1 as an enlist man in the German army. He was the rank of a corporal.