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Q: What leisure did the soldiers have during World War 1?
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Name of World War I German Soldiers?

German soldiers during World War I were called "Huns" by the American soldiers. The Germans called their soldiers "The Bosch" during World War I.

How man English soldiers died during world war 2?

383,800 British Soldiers were killed during World War 2.

Did World War 1 soldiers receive medals after World War 1 or during?

During and after

How many new zealand soldiers killed during World War 2?

11,900 New Zeland Soldiers were killed during World War 2.

How many German soldiers were killed during World War 2?

5.53 Million German Soldiers were reportedly to be killed during World War 2.

How many Austro-Hungry soldiers fought during World War 1?

During World War One, around 3,000,000 Austro-Hungarian soldiers fought

What was it like for soldiers during world war 1?


What are names of Russian soldiers during World War 1?

Russia was one of the few countries that participated in both World War I and World War II. During World War I the Russian army was known as the Cossacks.

Were any American soldiers stationed in the South-East London area during World War 2?

During World War 2 there were, and still are, soldiers stationed all over Europe. It is possible, though not confirmed, that there were American soldiers stationed in South-East London during World War 2.

What were the emotional feelings of Canadian soldiers when they were at war during World War 1?

Like all soldiers fear and boredom

What were female soldiers called in World War 1?

There were no female regular soldiers during WW1.

Where were the American soldiers stationed during World War 1?

Fort Moultrie Fort Chatanuga Fort Hillsworth