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machine guns,mustard gas,aircraft of any kind,oh and tanks just to think of a few

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Q: What kind military technology was new in World War 1?
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What kind of military technology used in the Spanish-American war?

there was no spanish american war.

What kind of military technology was used in Spanish and American war?

I duonno!

What did the technology in world war 1 resulted in?

increased military casualties in battles fought during the war

What were some new military technology during World War 1?

one of the new military weapons was the machine gun

What type of military technology was used in World War 1?

radio commanders british foghore

What was NOT a new military technology used extensively for the first time in world war 1?


What did the technology developed during world war 1 result in?

increased military casualties in battles fought during the war

What kind of military technology were new in world war 1?

Airplanes, tanks, submarines, chemicals such as chlorine and mustard gas, flamethrowers, machine guns. Idk if you'd consider trenches as technology but they were new. That's all I can think of, hope it helps :)

What stratigic-military advantages or drawbacks did each side have in terms of technology and military strength in world war 1?

They used Poison gas, we had the creeping barrage.

What was the first computer used?

The first computer was used for the military to help with World War II. The military was the only group that could fund for the expensive technology before more were made for the world.

What kind of technology will 2109 have?

Einstien is quoted here. "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."

Why were there so many battleships before world war 2 started?

It was the newest technology, and the navy was the most powerful force in the military.