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There were many jobs during the American revolution for example: silversmiths, farmer, rope makers, cobbler, wool weaver, blacksmiths, candle makers, barber, printer, clock makers, butcher, poets, tailor, town crier, house wife, sailor, doctors, inn keepers, teachers, mid wife, and soap makers.

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6y ago
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15y ago

Black smithing and iron worker carpender

went to war, craftsman, many were farmers

Black smiths,iron workers and carpenders went to help in the war but, many craftsman were farmers

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16y ago

Mostly farmers. Smaller numbers of men were silversmiths, blacksmiths, gunsmiths, carpenters, masons, bankers, doctors, lawyers, school teachers, printers (books & newspapers), buggy makers (coaches), leather workers, etc.

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14y ago

Jobs that would generally be the same as careers during the colonial period in America, suck as whalers, farmers, ministers, mail carriers, etc. A job that might have only appeared during this time period would probably be a militiaman.

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14y ago

Farmer, slave, city laborer, trade business, and prostitution (:

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10y ago

what type of jobs did patriots and loyalists have during the american revolution

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16y ago

Butcher, Baker and Candlestick Maker

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Q: What jobs did men have in the Revolutionary war?
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