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Poison gas was first used to try to break the deadlock of trench warfare. After nearly two years of trench warfare neither side could gain an advantage or obtain a breakthrough. The reasoning was that if you could envelope the enemy trenches in a cloud of poison gas it would kill all the enemy soldiers in those trenches, and then you could attack and take those trenches without losing many men. At first gas was used by hauling heavy gas flasks to the front lines and planning an attack, which would have to wait for a time when favorable winds were blowing, from the German trenches toward the French of British trenches opposite. Sometimes bad luck caused the wind to reverse direction and blow the gas cloud released from the flasks back over the Germans own trenches. Soon artillery shells were designed which instead of containing explosives contained poison gas, and you could fire these into the enemy trench line where the gas would be released directly among the enemy troops. These artillery shells made a different sound when they landed and experienced troops soon learned to put on their newly issued gas masks when they heard the sound of gas shells landing around them. The gas masks were hot and made many men feel like they were suffocating. They had little windows in them so the wearer could see out, and these would fog up with the wearer's exhaled breath. Gas was never able to help obtain the breakthrough it was hoped it would provide, but it did blind, injure or kill many men and made a lot more very much more miserable than they already were.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 10mo ago

Poison gas was used during World War 1 as a weapon to cause widespread casualties and incapacitate enemy soldiers. It was primarily used to demoralize and disrupt enemy positions, as well as create chaos on the battlefield. Different types of poison gas, such as chlorine, phosgene, and mustard gas, were employed by both sides of the conflict.

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