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Q: What is the reasons behind creating the WAAC?
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When was WAAC - FM - created?

WAAC - FM - was created on 1978-11-28.

Why did George marshall push for the WAAC?

George Marshall supported the WAAC because he felt the military's workforce needed to expand. WAAC stands for Women's Army Auxiliary Corps.

Why was WAAC important?


What were the WAAC an the WASP?

WAAC- Women's Army auxiliary corps WASP- Women's airforce service pilots ~Katherine :D

What Were the waac the wasp?

WAAC- Women's Army auxiliary corps WASP- Women's airforce service pilots ~Katherine :D

Who was the director of the WAAC and WAC in World War 2?

Colonel Oveta Culp Hobby was the director of the WAAC/WAC during WW 2.

Where was WAAC?

hablabla BLA BLA BLA!

What are reasons behind dropout of students and how it can be reduce?

Creating awareness among the parents is one of the best way to reduce the percentage of dropouts. The main reason behind this is the non willingness of the parents due to poverty.

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The reasons behind homosexuality are genetic and hormonal changes during the development of the fetus.

How are shadows formed give two reasons?

Shadows are formed when an object blocks the path of light rays, creating an area of darkness behind it. Two reasons shadows are formed are: (1) when light rays hit an opaque object and are unable to pass through it, and (2) when light rays are absorbed or reflected by an object, creating a shadow on the surface behind it.

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He did