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Q: What is the purpose of using windmill in past?
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Does a windmill measure wind speed?

No, a windmill converts wind energy into mechanical power or electricity. Wind speed can be measured using anemometers, which are devices specifically designed for this purpose.

What is the main purpose of creating a windmill?

It is a mill. The wind is a power source

On poptropica astro nights how do you open the top in the windmill?

you open the top of the windmill by jumping on the the things outside of the windmill go conter-colock-wise and the top of the windmill will open. But, first before you do that you have to go inside the windmill and go to the top, past the girl dressed in black, and jump on the rope. THEN it will let you spin the windmill by jumping on it.

Can you run a windmill using smoke... by passing the smoke into the blades of windmill?

No, running a windmill using smoke is not feasible. Windmills rely on the mechanical energy generated by the movement of air (wind) to rotate the blades and generate power. Introducing smoke into the blades will not provide the necessary energy to turn the windmill.

What energy get from windmill?

You are ot using proper grammer

What is the main purpose of a windmill?

It is a mill. The wind is a power source

Where is stalker ville located?

In western Oaklahoma, just past the windmill with the pink door

What thinking lies behind Squealer's claim of victory in the Battle of the Windmill?

He knew that the battle of the windmill was an utter lost as the purpose was to protect the windmill. However, in order to distract the animals from the truth, Squealer thus exclaimed that the battle of the windmill was a victory.

What purpose was the windmill invented?

This is is because they help save energy and help make wind energy.

What is the purpose of windmills on ranches?

To pump water. The windmill turns pumps the water out into a trough for the cattle.

Ways in which the windmill will spin without using human energy?


Does the windmill do anything on Animal Crossing City Folk?

It has no purpose, just to give your town a country theme.