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One of those is usually called a 'silo'.

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Q: What is the name of an underground chamber used to store and launch ballistic missiles?
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Did Cuba ever have nuclear missiles?

No. Cuba itself never had nuclear missiles although the USSR set up nuclear missile launch sites in Cuba.

Did nuclear weapons end cold war?

No, but they were the center of it. The Cold War was never a real war, and there was no fighting o nuclear exchange involved. Basically, it was a time of tension between the superpowers. The Arms Race and the Space Race contributed to this tenson. A notable event was the Cuban Missle Crisis, where the Soviets were storing missiles in Cuba in case of an attack on the US. The US threatened to launch ballistic missiles at them from Turkey, so the Soviets removed the Cuban Missiles. Long story short, the Cold War was a stand-off, like two people pointing guns at each other to see whos going to crack first and start the fight.

Does the President of the United States have a 'red button' to launch Nuclear Missiles?

No, the President of the United States does not have a "red button" of any sort, in the Oval Office or elsewhere. Nuclear Missiles cannot be deployed from a direct command from the President; his command must be confirmed by the Secretary of Defence before the military take action. Note that the Secretary of Defence cannot authorize the launch of Nuclear Missiles without the President first doing so. Nicknamed the "Football", a black briefcase is carried with the President at all times. The briefcase is believed to contain nuclear codes and various pieces of equipment that authorize the deployment of Nuclear Missiles wherever the President is in the world; it functions as a mobile hub in the strategic defense system of the United States.

What would have happened if the waffen ss had captured the port of Antwerp?

They would have seized the port and perhaps may have used it as a submarine base ( Kriegsmarine here, there were no maritime SS branches- except for propaganda purposes before the war). The Germans were keen on the idea of using submarines to launch guided missiles- a tactic way ahead of its time- and the idea was stealth- they would be difficult to locate- would only have to surface a few minutes to launch the missile, then could take evasive action at will. It is known the occupied Low Countries- such as Belgium were used for launch sites for V-l guided bombs and possibly V-2 missiles as well.

What exactly was the cold war?

A nuclear armed stand-off between the Soviet Union/Red China and the United States/Great Britain in which each side was waiting for an excuse to push the button (Which would launch nuclear missiles).

Related questions

Why do you think Kennedy decided to remove U.S. Missiles from Turkey?

It started with the Soviets setting up launch bases, in Cuba, that could hold Inter-Mediate Ballistic Missiles (IRBM). After a lot of laws and failed missions, the Soviets decided that they will remove the missiles from Cuba, if the US would remove the missiles from Turkey, and around Europe.

What is a missile chamber called?

The standard term for a missile chamber (be it a ballistic missile, vertical launch cruise missile, torpedo, etc.) is simply a tube - straight and to the point.

What is the basic purpose of a MODERN submarine?

There are now 'Attack' submarines who's main purpose is to sink enemy submarines and ships and also Missile submarines whose main purpose is to launch ballistic missiles at the enemy.

How do you use the word ballistic in a sentence?

The missile traveled at a ballistic speed after launch.

When did the US have the capability to launch intercontinental ballistic missiles from a submarine?

The Polaris SLBM program started in 1956; the first successful launch from the USS George Washington (SSBN-598) was on July 20, 1960. Later in 1961 the Polaris A-2 SLBM entered active service in the Navy's submarine fleet.

What shots from a submarine?

A modern submarine can shoot missiles (ballistic and guided missiles) and torpedoes. These weapons can be nuclear or conventional ordnance. Submarines also have a capability of planting mines in the ocean to damage shipping. In addition to weapons, submarines can launch counter measures (to defend again enemy torpedoes), flares, sonar buoys, and radio buoys.

What is shot from a submarine?

A modern submarine can shoot missiles (ballistic and guided missiles) and torpedoes. These weapons can be nuclear or conventional ordnance. Submarines also have a capability of planting mines in the ocean to damage shipping. In addition to weapons, submarines can launch counter measures (to defend again enemy torpedoes), flares, sonar buoys, and radio buoys.

What country launched the first ICBMs?

The Soviet Union was the first country to launch Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs). The R-7 Semyorka, also known as the R-7 ICBM, was the first ICBM and was developed by the Soviet Union in the late 1950s.

What is the definition of launch height?

Launch height is term used in aviation as optimum height for a release of missiles or bombs.

Does oxygen launch missiles?

No - Ballistic missiles are ejected in an air bubble, using compressed air while the boat is at periscope depth. When the missile clears the water surface, its solid fuel rocket motor ignites, sending it on its way to the target. Cruise missiles can be launched by VLS (Vertical Launch System) tubes, or by standard torpedo tubes. Torpedo tube launches are performed by flooding the tube with water, and a piston ram system ejects the water and weapon out of the tube, where its motor ignites. VLS launches are similar to BM launches in that they are ejected by air pressure.

What holds the missiles in place on a fighter jet?

Launch rail assemblies.

Which of these characteristics of a missile differs from a rocket?

Missiles are typically guided weapons designed for specific targets, while rockets are generally unguided and used for propulsion or scientific research. Additionally, missiles often carry warheads for explosive effect, while rockets may carry payloads such as satellites or scientific instruments.