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Q: What is the meaning of each color on the Chinese flag?
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What is the meaning of the color yellow on the Olympic flag?

There is no particular meaning to each color in the Olympic flag. The colors that are on the flag represent the colors that can be found in almost all nations of the world.

What is the main color on the Chinese flag?

the main color of the flag is red,,with 5 golden stars

What do the colour's on the Chinese flag represent?

red is the traditional Chinese color for good luck!

What do the colours on the Chinese flag represent?

red is the traditional Chinese color for good luck!

Why is the Chinese flag is red color?

the red symbolizes the blood that many Chinese people shed for their country.

What is the meaning of saffron flag?

Meaning of a saffron flag is that it is a flag in saffron color. Shape etc. will depend upon context such as religion.

What does the red color on the Chinese flag symbolize?

The red on the flag actually symbolizes Communism and is common in most communist countries.

What is the meaning of each color on the Qatar flag?

White for peace and maroon for bloodshed during war.

What does Red flag over white at night mean?

This flag and color combination has no popular meaning.

What does each color on the American flag represent?

Assuming you are referring to the US flag as there is no such thing as the American flag. The colors in the flag have no official meaning. Many people have come up with meanings over the past 200+ years, but, unlike several other countries (such as France and Mexico), the US does not officially define the meaning behind the colors used in its flag.

What is the meaning of the red color in the Philippine flag?

The red color is said to symbolize bravery and patriotism.

What is the meaning of the color blue in the flag of OPEC?

Try to ask the owner.