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It is the day that the Allied powers invaded Normandy (northern France) in order to surprise the Germans during WW2. It occurred on 6/6/1944.

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Q: What is the definition of D Day?
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What is the definition of D-day?

It is military shorthand. D just means day or nothing at all, but most think that it means disembark

Definition of d as in d-day?

The definition of d as in d-day is -noun,pluralD's or Ds,d's or ds.1.the fourth letter of the English alphabet, a consonant.2.any spoken sound represented by the letter D or d, as in dog, ladder, ladle, or pulled.3.something having the shape of a D.4.a written or printed representation of the letter D or d.5.a device, as a printer's type, for reproducing the letter D ord.The definition of d-day is -noun1.Military. the day, usually unspecified, set for the beginning of a planned attack.2.June 6, 1944, the day of the invasion of western Europe by Allied forces in World War II.3.Informal. any day of special significance, as one marking an important event or goal.Use d-day in a SentenceAlso, D-Day.Origin:D (for day) + day; the same pattern as H-hourI hope this helps and is what you wanted for more information I found the answers on check it out. Thanks! =D

What does the letter d in d day stand for?

The day of the landings

How do you count days after d day?

Days are labeled D + number. So the day after D-Day would be D+1, the week after D-Day D+7, the month after D-Day D+30, etc.

What decimal power does d represent?

It depends on the precise definition of d.

What do the French call d day?

D-day, d-day was on German soil

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What did d-day mean?

D-Day means disembarkment day

What is D day about?

d-day or day of days or dooms day was the day the us and the british invaded Normandy d-day lasted for 2 days

Why is d-day called d day?

D-day means day of days, it mostly marks the start of a military operation.