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Q: What is the country that held Vietnam as a colony at the end of World War 2?
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What was the former name of the country of Vietnam?

France made Vietnam a colony in the 1800s and it was called French Indochina. The Vietnamese managed to eject the French in 1954. The French had tried to return and reimpose a colonial regime after WWII. After the French gave up Vietnam was divided into North and South, though this was supposed to be temporary and elections were supposed to be held to select a national government to be over the entire country, both parts. The US realized that the candidates of the north, though communists, were more popular than the corrupt thieves the US was backing as leaders in the south, and so, the elections were never held. Before the French took over Vietnam was sometimes called Cochin China.

Did the French invade Vietnam?

It may seem that, due to the way the Vietnam War is portrayed, France only entered Vietnam in the 1940s. In reality, she had held Vietnam at least since 1887. There isn't really a definite date. Essentially, she took Vietnam for the same reason other nations were taking colonies and building empires in the 1800s and earlier - it gave her more power, provided her with more raw materials, and helped her economically. Besides Vietnam, France also held Laos and Cambodia - she named this little patch of her Empire 'Indochina'.

What English-speaking country was on the edge of Japanese-held territory during World War 2?

The English speaking country on the edge of Japanese held territory and expansion during World War 2 was Australia. The US state of Hawaii was also near the edge of Japanese held territory in the Pacific Ocean.

What city held the December 1 1969 Vietnam War Draft lottery?

New York City.

Under the Treaty of Versailles which country was charged with the sole responsibility for World War 1?

Germany was held reasonable as well as its' partners.

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The French were forced to withdraw and release their hold on their former colony. Vietnam was divided between North and South, with a plebiscite to decide on its form of government to be held. The US prevented that vote from being taken.

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The 2010 world cup is held in South Africa.

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The FIFA World Cup is not held in one city, like the Olympics is. It is held in a country. Matches are held around the country in different cities.

Were was the Vietnam war held?

Then in North and South Vietnam.

Where in Vietnam was the war held?

Northern and Southern Vietnam.

Is the Vietnam war World War 1?

Vietnam War is held in the period of Nov 1955 to Apr 1975. nearly 19 years of war. WW1 held in the period (1914-1918). WW1 is ealier war compare to the period of Vietnam war

What country is the fifa world cup held in for 2010?

The 2010 world cup is to be held in South africa.

In which year and which country was the first world cup held?

It was held in Uruguay in 1930.