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I dont konow

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Brandy Ortiz

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Q: What is it called when a country does not take a side in a war?
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When a country does not get involved or take a side in a war?

It is called a neutral country.

When a country does not get involved in a war or take a side?

It is called a neutral country.

When a country does not get involved or take a side in a war it is said to be?


What is a country that doesn't take place in war called?

That would be "neutral".

What country did world war take place in?

the whole war that's why its called world war

When a country does not get involved or take a side in a war it is said to be .?

Neutral. Switzerland was neutral during WWII.

Term for a war between groups whitin the same country?

Civil war or revolution depends which side wins. Its called a civil war if the war is in progress or the government wins. Its called a revolution if the rebels win.

What is it called when a country does not take sides in the World War 1?

I dont konow

Who did the side with the Trojan war?

Hector sided with his country, Troy, but he did not want the war to take place. He felt that Paris, his brother, was foolish to steal Helen away from Menelaus and risk his country and countrymen in a meaningless war with Greece.

What do you call a country that takes no side in a war?

A neutral country.

In 1936 did Spain and Germany fight a war called the Spanish Civil War?

No. In 1936 Spain and Spain fought a war called the Spanish Civil War. A civil war is fought in a divided country, not between two countries. However, outside countries can support one side or the other in a civil war. Germany and Italy supported the Nationalist side in the Spanish Civil War, and the USSR supported the Loyalist side.,

Who did Hector side with during the Trojan war?

Hector sided with his country, Troy, but he did not want the war to take place. He felt that Paris, his brother, was foolish to steal Helen away from Menelaus and risk his country and countrymen in a meaningless war with Greece.