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fat jews were saved

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Q: What is invasion fever in reference to world war 2?
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What was the Douay invasion in World War 1?

Sorry, please restate the question, as no reference is to be found on the Wikipedia site.

What greman invasion started world war 2?

The German invasion of Poland started World War Two.

World War 2 began with what invasion?

Germany's invasion of Poland.

What war started World War 2?

invasion of poland

What invasion was called a prelude for World War 2?

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Which invasion started World War 2 Germany's invasion of Poland or Germany's invasion of Czechoslovakia?


Which prestident directed the D-Day invasion in world war 2?

Dwight D. Eisenhower directed the D-Day invasion in World War II

What was it that started World War 2?

Invasion of poland

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When did an invasion happen in world war 2?


What was the spark of world war 2?

The invasion of Poland

What was the purpose for the invasion during World War 2?

Be more specific. The German invasion of their neighbors or the Allies invasion of Germany.