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Indoctrination is brain washing. The term indoctrination implies long term and subtle methods.

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Q: What is indoctrination?
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Describe the prisoners' indoctrination into concentration camp life?

The prisoner's are shipped by packed cattle car to the concentration camp, separated men from women, guards hold guns to them at every turn

What was one of the most significant characteristics of totalitarianism in the Soviet Union?

Answer this question… Religious beliefs were forbidden, and religious organizations were shut down.

What was the Hitler Youth and the German Girls' Association?

My mother was in the League of German Maidens.. Her scripted role was to learn how to become a tailor. She learned techniques and points of precise stitching and was very disciplined. She later was ordered to sew parachutes for the NAZI air force. She always claimed she was in Hitler Youth, as that is how many young girls of her day considered themselves to be. (Not League of German Maidens) Very strict and ordered and they believed that if they received their training and were faithful to Hitler and his beliefs, that they would be rewarded with a stronger, better economy for all in Germany.. All indoctrination for the day.....

What was Hideki Tojo's career goal?

Hideki Tojo's career goal was to be a general in the Imperial Japanese Army and become the 40th Prime Minister of Japan. He was in office from October 18, 1941 to July 22, 1944. During his term of prime minister he also served as Home Minister from 1941-1942, Foreign Minister in September 1942, Education Minister in 1943, and Commerce Minister in 1943. As the Home Minister Hideki had to approve various eugenics measures. As the Education Minister, he continued militaristic and nationalist indoctrination in the education system, and reaffirmed intolerant policies in government. As Commerce Minister, he had to regulate external trade and promoting economic growth. As Foreign Minister, he helped form the foreign policy of Japan. He was also the War Minister, so he controlled the armed forces in Japan.

How did Nazis justify their final solution?

The "Final Solution" was based on the Nazis belief that "Aryans" were a superior people and that their strength and racial purity must be preserved.they thought that it was for the greater good.

Related questions

Who was in charge of indoctrination?

Who's indoctrination are you referring to?

When was Defiant Indoctrination created?

Defiant Indoctrination was created in 2005.

Indoctrination in a sentence?

Indoctrination is, essentially, to cause someone to believe something. An example sentence is: Indoctrination helped George make Sandy believe she was going to Heaven.

How do you put indoctrination in a sentence?

His indoctrination into college life was a difficult transition with a lot of laughs.

Is indoctrination child abuse?

Neglect of indoctrination is child abuse, Matt.18:6

What would be a good response to indoctrination?

A good response to indoctrination is not getting involved in what the captors are saying

What means of exploitation is he attempting?


Is homosexual indoctrination illegal under the bill of rights?

There is no such thing as homosexual indoctrination. Sexual orientation cannot be changed or indoctrinated in anyone. You can however, teach tolerance, which is always a good thing. Also, the Bill of Rights says nothing about "indoctrination" -- homosexual or any other kind. It does protect Freedom of Speech, which includes the Freedom not to listen.

What are the tools of totalitarians?

Propaganda, indoctrination and politics.

How is indoctrination differ from education?

Indoctrination involves beliefs and superstitions while education deals with pure knowledge

What is a sentence using indoctrinate?

You can say "Germany used the form of indoctrination on youths to manipulate their views on the Jews". Indoctrination is the act of instructively teaching something with specific ideology.

How do you use the word indoctrination in a sentence?

The cult leader used indoctrination techniques to manipulate his followers into believing his teachings without question.