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The trenches were deep enough to allow soldiers to move about without being shot. So if they wanted to look out to see what the enemy were doing they needed a step to stand on. This was the firestep, constructed at the front of the trench, which also allowed them to fire at the enemy in the trench opposite.

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Q: What is fire step in World War 1?
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What was a World War 1 Fire step?

A fire step was used in the trenches in World War I. It was important to keep below the level of the trench, or risk being killed by an enemy sniper should your head appear above the top of the trench. But to fire on advancing enemy troops, you needed to be higher and to see over the trench top and return fire. So you stood on the fire step, which was simply a 'step' in the trench that enabled you to be higher and to see above the top of the trench.

What did a fire step do in World War 1 trenches?

A fire step was built into the front wall of a trench. Generally a (well built!) trench was deep enough for people to walk along the bottom without exposing their heads. So the fire step allowed them to stand up and get their heads, and rifles, above the parapet to fire at the enemy.

Where did the sentries stand for watch duty in world war 1?

The sentries stand for watch duty on the fire-step. The fire-step was normally 2-3 ft. high and enabled soldiers to fire at their enemy over the parapet (the front side of the trench). The entire battalion would stand on the fire-step during stand-to (anticipated enemy attack).

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London dairy

Why did the US get involved in World War 1 and World War 2?

we had allies that were getting bombed and we started to step in and later off we left the war

In World War 1 what were 'fire' or 'sap' trenches?

roofed shelter

Rate of fire of a world war 1 rifle?

10-15 rounds a minute.

Why did women do mens jobs in World War 1 and World War 2?

Because the men were all in the army fighting and women had to step in to do what the men were doing.

What were machine guns usually used for during World War 1?

Suppression and enfilading fire.

Why were trenches so good during World War 1?

it stopped most of the gun fire to the people

World War 1 ended on what day?

the cease fire occurred at 11a.m on November 11th, 1918.

How many died in the axis in World War I?

millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1 millions died in world war 1