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It depends on how long you serve. A colonel of only a few years wont make as much as a colonel of 40 years, even though they are technically the same rank.

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Q: What is current colonel salary in army?
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There is not a listed position for the Indian Army titled Karnal. There is however a Colonel. The salary is 15,500 rupee for that position.

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It depends on the years of service, but the basic pay starts at $3,537.00 to a maximum $6,262.80 per month.

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What would a us army colonel earn in English money?

The salary of a US Army colonel would be converted from US dollars to English pounds. As of 2021, a US Army colonel's salary can range from $87,000 to $143,000 per year, which would be approximately £63,000 to £104,000 in English pounds. Please note that exchange rates may fluctuate and salaries can vary depending on factors such as years of service and location.

Do you say infantry colonel or colonel of infantry?

Depends which army you are speaking of.

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