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Q: What is another word for a foreign soldier who serves in the army only for pay?
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A soldier who serves for pay in a foreign army?


What is a legionary?

a soldier who is a member of a legion (especially the French Foreign Legion)

What is a mercinary?

Soldier hired by the army of another country or by a private army, or a Soldier that will fight for you for pay enough.

Soldier who fights in another countries army?

Mercenary or 'Soldier of Fortune' .

WHAT IS soldier?

A person who serves in the Army. A slice of toast cut wide enough to dip in a soft boiled egg.

How much a army soldier get pay if they is a repoter in the army?

How much a soldier gets paid depends on their rank and corresponding pay grade, and their time in service - not their occupation. An E5 (Sergeant) with four years who serves as a truck mechanic will have the same base pay as an E5 with four years who serves as an infantry fire team leader.

What is a soldier?

A person who serves in the Army. A slice of toast cut wide enough to dip in a soft boiled egg.

What is a old soldier?

what is a old army soldier that has retired? becuase i want to know the oldest army soldier?

If army is to soldier as navy is to what?

A Soldier is a member of the Army A Sailor is a member of the Navy

Is married person could join the french army?

If you're a French citizen, you can join the French Army. If you are not a French citizen, you can join the Foreign Legion, but you will be enlisted as a single soldier regardless of your marital status.

How do you find where someone in the Army is stationed?

Ask the soldier directly.Find another soldier and ask him to look that person up on their AKO white pages.Contact the Red Cross and ask them to get a message to the soldier asking him to contact you.

Can you bring your m16 home from army?

No- they don't let us keep them. Would be nice, but the Army will reissue your rifle to another soldier, or store it until it is needed.