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it is when, the governmentdidn't have any control of the 13 states

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Q: What is a loose alliance of independent states?
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What is an alliance or loose union of independent states?

A confederation is an alliance or loose union of independent states. The United States was a confederation prior to the US Constitution.

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The term that describes an alliance of independent states is

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a loose alliance between states

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commonwealth of independent states.

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The alliance of independent states.

The article of confederation which formed a loose alliance among the 13 states were ratified what year?

1781In what year did The Articles of Confederation ratify to form a loose alliance among the 13 states? A: 1781

The name for a loose union of independent states is a?

A Confederation

A loose union of independent states?

If such independent states are coming together to form a larger political entity, this is generally known as a Confederation. Individual states retain full sovereignty, but operate together for the collective good for purposes of things like economic policy, foreign policy, military coordination, etc. If they are not forming a larger political entity, then it is simply an Alliance. Typical of such an entity is NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance, which is a mutual defense pact for its members.