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A bayonet is an edged weapon which is attached to the muzzle of a firearm. Early bayonets were shaped like long spikes and were important in the massed charges of the pre napoleonic and napoleonic era. Their effectiveness as a combat weapon diminished as the effectiveness of the firearms they were attached to increased. Todays bayonets, like the M4 for the American M16 looks and is used primarily as knife, it's combat role limited to cutting barbed wire with it's locking sheath and attached to the weapon for non lethal crowd control.

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8y ago

A bayonetting is an instance of stabbing with a bayonet, or the overlap of fracture fragments in a longbone fracture resulting in shortening fo the extremity.

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8y ago

A bayoneting is an instance of stabbing with a bayonet, or the overlap of fracture fragments in a longbone fracture resulting in shortening fo the extremity.

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Did USA occupies Philippines during World War 2?

The Philippines were under the control of the US during those times. The Filipinos were very loyal to the Americans so whatever happened to the Americans at the Philippines, it happened to them. The Philippines were the largest group of islands that was near Japan so it was significant military objective for both Japan and USA.