The soldeirs ran back to their barracks.
Because the barracks made them feel the moment like there is no tomorrow.
Thiepval barracks bombing happened on 1996-10-07.
Normally, soldiers are quartered in barracks.
The name of Sarsfield Barracks under the British Army was 'New Barracks'
hay as in "hit the hay"
Another name for Jesus' first bed is 'crib'.
a tester is the name for the piece of wood that goes over the top of a four poster bed. The curtains are called bedcurtains a tester is the name for the piece of wood that goes over the top of a four poster bed. The curtains are called bedcurtains Another name is Full Tester Bed
As a verb: place, set, position
Bed and Breakfast accommodation.
Wadi is the other term for riverbed.
that would be a barracks
My other uniform is back in the barracks. These are not my barracks.