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Q: What impact did the new weapons have on the nature of warfare?
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How did Industrial Revolution create trench warfare?

The primary reason for the death and destruction of the war was the Industrial Revolution. advances in technology led to the creation of new weapons, such as the machine gun, poison gas, tanks, and airplanes. Even though new weapons were created, military strategists had not prepared for their impact on battle plans. The combination of old battle tactics and new weapons led to trench warfare and stalemate.

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Well it has created new tactics in modern warfare, much new technological weapons and has stricken fear in many advanced countries.

Is there new weapons on the new call of duty modern warfare 2?


How did the invention of gunpowder impact the world?

It introduced new weapons.

What are the prestige awards in modern warfare 2?

New perks and weapons

What were the new weapons that came from World War 1?

germ warfare

Modern warfare or modern warfare 2?

No, i think modern warfare 2 is better because there are new weapons and perks, and most importantly, silenced snipers.The answer to the question is more about opinion.Modern Warfare 2 does have better weapons and perks, but some of the perks in CoD4 are needed.

What would change the nature of warfare?

New Weapons (including the future of robotic weapons)Use of the atom bombsPeople negotiate rather than fightBad ClimatesWorldwide EpidemicWorldwide starvationWorldwide reduction of natural resources and oilChanging of alliancesEvil rulersFailure to comply with the Geneva ConventionsEarthquakes, volcanic eruption, tsunamisPeople rebellion

Is there new weapons in modern warfare 2 resurgence pack?

No, there are no new weapons or perks in the Download pack, only 5 new maps, 2 of them are back from the old "Call of duty 4". its possible that they are only going to make map pack's, not new weapons or perks.

What was World War 1 memorable for?

It was memorable for several new types of weapons technology. It was the first time planes were used as a weapons other then observation of troups. Trench warfare was introduced on a large scale. And because of trench warfare, we had the introduction, for the first time, of tanks and gas as weapons.

What new inventions made the biggest impact in the Korean War?

helicopters that needed to be used in warfare.

List the new weapons of World War 1. which of these weapons had the greatest impact and why?

Tommy gun(trench broom) heavy machine gun shorter rifle=more mobility(kar 98) biological warfare(artillary=mustard gas shells) steel helmet special tactics(trench warfare) the heavy machine gun probably had the most impact because of its ability to mow down a line of men continuosly. the artillay want far behind(over a billion shells spent during ww1)