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Julio Palmeros

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Q: What if there is no leader in a country?
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What is the leader of our country?

a leader of our country is called a president

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What country was Winston churchhill leader of?

The United Kingdom was the country that Winston Churchill was the leader of.

When a country can vote for their leader this is a characteristic of a?

It is a characteristic of democracy when a country people can vote for their leader.

How do you tell children what is a leader?

A leader - is someone who is in charge of a country, town or group of people. Examples are... King, (leader of a country) - Mayor (leader of a town) - Headmaster (leader of a school) and Teacher (leader of a classroom).

Of which country was Cleopatra a leader?

Cleopatra was a leader of Egypt.

Who do you put first your country or the leader?

My country

Akhenaton was a leader of what country?

Akhenaton was a leader (pharaoh) of Egypt.

What Countries involved and each country's leader?

The Cuban Missile Crisis- Countries and Leaders. Country 1; Cuba Leader; Fidel Castro Country 2; USA Leader; John F. Kennedy County 3; USSR Leader; Nikita Khroshchev

In monarchies, what is one possible title for the leader of a country?

King :)

Why is there a leader in every country?

Every country needs order.

What is the difference between a country with a democracy and on with a dictatorship?

A country with a Dictatorship makes it so that you cannot vote for a leader, but the leader can select the next leader. Also, the leader makes all the decisions, no one to argue with for him. He chooses everything that happens in that country's government. The USA has a republican democracy.