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ned kelly was a hero because he saver a 11 year old from drowning

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Q: What heroic things did Ned Kelly do?
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What was Ned Kelly's full name?

Ned kelly full name is: Edward Kelly!

What did Ned Kelly steal?

Many many things!

Is Ned Kelly's real name Edward Ned Kelly?

Ned Kelly's proper name was "Edward Kelly".

How old was the kid that Ned kelly saved from drowning?

Ned Kelly saved an 8-year-old boy named Richard Shelton from drowning in a creek near Avenel, Victoria, Australia. Kelly was 11 years old at the time of this heroic act.

Why did ned kelly kill people?

people killed ned kelly because he did bad things and he got hung for it.

What is Ned Kelly's characteristics?

NED KELLY WAS A bushranger

Who was Ned Kelly's bushranger brother?

Ned Kelly's brother Dan was in the Kelly gang.

What was ned KELLY mothers name?

Ned Kelly's mother's name was Ellen Kelly. Ellen's maiden name was Quinn.

Is Dan ned kelly's brother younger than ned kelly or older?

yes dan was older than ned kelly

Was ned kelly caught?

Yes, Ned Kelly was caught, and hung.

What are some famous quotes by ned kelly?

quotes about ned kelly

How did Ned Kelly get his name?

His name was Edward Kelly, his nickname was Ned.