ned kelly was a hero because he saver a 11 year old from drowning
There are no records of any nicknames of Ned Kelly.
Ned Kelly was hung in the Melbourne Gaol in Melbourne, Australia.
Ned Kelly was hanged in Melbourne Gaol on 11 November 1880.
On the 11 December 1880 Ned Kelly was hung at the Melbourne Goal
Ned Kelly didn't do much torture to his hostage He let them eat and drink. So he kinda looked after them in a five star way! Ned Kelly shouldn't of been killed. Hope this helps!
Ned kelly full name is: Edward Kelly!
Many many things!
Ned Kelly's proper name was "Edward Kelly".
Ned Kelly saved an 8-year-old boy named Richard Shelton from drowning in a creek near Avenel, Victoria, Australia. Kelly was 11 years old at the time of this heroic act.
people killed ned kelly because he did bad things and he got hung for it.
NED KELLY WAS A bushranger
Ned Kelly's brother Dan was in the Kelly gang.
Ned Kelly's mother's name was Ellen Kelly. Ellen's maiden name was Quinn.
yes dan was older than ned kelly
Yes, Ned Kelly was caught, and hung.
quotes about ned kelly
His name was Edward Kelly, his nickname was Ned.