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We used them on Japan to end World War II.

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Q: What happened when the nuclear bombs were developed?
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Where were nuclear weapons developed?

The first nuclear weapons were developed in the united States under the Manhattan Proyect which made the first nuclear bombs.

What nuclear event happened in 1945?

The US dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.

What happened after the nuclear bombs got dropped in Japan?

Japan surrendered.

What happened when nuclear weapons were developed?

They were used.

Did the Germans have nukes during World War 2?

They had not fully developed nuclear bombs.

Which nation created the first nuclear bombs?

The first nuclear bombs were developed in the United States of America during the Second World War in 1939 under the order of President Franklin Roosevelt.

What happened to the Japanese towards the end of World War 2?

Tens of thousands were killed by nuclear bombs. Atomic bombs actually.

Is a bomb nuclear?

Some bombs are nuclear. But most bombs are not nuclear.

Is nuclear fusion used to make nuclear bombs?

Nuclear weapons developed by the Manhattan project for the Allies were Fission weapons called Atomic bombs. Large scale Fusion weapons developed by Hungarian Edward Teller in USA after WW2 were called Hydrogen Bombs. However during 1942 the Nazis developed a hybrid fusion boosted fission weapon, in which hollow charge explosives were used to cause a plasma pinch, a kind of flash of neutrons to ignite a Fission explosion.

Are nuclear bombs real?

Yes, nuclear bombs are real and have been developed and tested by several countries. These weapons derive their explosive power from nuclear reactions, which release enormous amounts of energy. The use of nuclear bombs is highly destructive and devastating, making them a major concern for global security.

Why thermo nuclear bombs are called dirty bombs?

Beacause millions of lives were taken by the nuclear bombs

Are nuclear bombs illegal in China?

No, China has several hundred nuclear bombs and has had bombs since 1964.